There are another seven trade unions that are member of the SGB/USS
federation, but where I have not found any flags:
SBPV/ASEB/ASIB (Schweizerischer Bankpersonalverband / Association
suisse des employés de banque / Associazione svizzera degli impiegati di
banca = Swiss Union of Bank Employees), about 8,000 members
AvenirSocial (Soziale Arbeit Schweiz / Travail sociale Suisse / Lavoro
sociale Svizzera = Social Future - Social Work Switzerland), about 3,700
SMPV/SSPM (Schweizerischer Musikpädagogischer Verband / Société suisse
de pédagogie musicale / Società Svizzera di Pedagogia Musicale = Swiss Union
of Musical Education), about 3,600 members
kapers (Vereinigung des Kabinenpersonals = Cabin Crew Union), about
2,500 members
SMV/USDAM (Schweizerischer Musikerverband / Union Suisse des Artistes
Musiciens = Swiss Union of Musicians), about 1,700 members
SBKV (Schweizerischer Bühnenkünstler- und Bühnenkünstlerinnenverband =
Swiss Union of Stage Artists), about 1,200 members (associated member of
New Wood (Syndicat New Wood des Nations Unies = Trade Union New Wood of
the United Nations), about 17 members